Within DTrace, developers can write scripts in the D programming language ( a subset of the C language but modified to support trace-specific behaviors). 在DTrace中,开发人员可以用D编程语言(C语言的子集,但修改为支持跟踪行为)编写脚本。
Michael Stonebraker preferred QUEL, which was derived from a suggested language subset ( Alpha) offered by E. F. Codd. MichaelStonebraker首选QUEL,来源于E.F.Codd提供的一个建议语言子集(Alpha)。
XML is a subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML) and is designed to provide meta-information about the content of a given XML document. XML是StandardGeneralizedMarkupLanguage(SGML)的一个子集,被设计来提供关于某个给定XML文档的内容的元信息(meta-information)。
This is accomplished with a language, EJB QL, that is a subset of the SQL92 standard. 这一工作是通过EJBQL语言完成的,该语言是SQL92标准的一个子集。
This method of access extends further to a subset of XML Path Language ( XPath). 此访问方法进一步扩展为了XML路径语言(XMLPathLanguage,Xpath)的一个子集。
In BPEL, the language for specifying business protocols is a subset of the language used for specifying executable processes. 在BPEL中,指定业务协议的语言是用于指定可执行流程的语言的子集。
I do think that for each process language, a BPMN subset can be defined that matches well with that language. 我确实认为为每一个过程语言都可定义一个与之很好匹配的BPMN子集。
The Common Language Infrastructure represents the subset of Microsoft 's.NET platform that has been placed in the care of Ecma International. 通用语言基础架构(CLI)作为微软.NET平台的一个子集,由Ecma国际组织所掌管。
The Go language on Google App Engine is a subset of the full Go language, avoiding the unsafe and syscall libraries, but including AppEngine specific APIs such as DataStore, Blobstore and so on. GAE上的Go语言是整个Go语言的一个子集,没有unsafe和syscall库,但是包括了AppEngine特定的API,比如DataStore、Blobstore等等。
XML ( extensible Markup Language) is the answer. XML began as a project to address HTML's limitations on structured documents, by selecting a simple to implement yet extensible subset of SGML for use on the Web. 可扩展的标记语言(XML)的出观是Web发展的必然结果,它最初是为了解决HTML在结构化文档描述上的缺陷作为SGML的精简的子集在Web上来使用的。
Two languages have been implemented in the Dual 68000. The extended PL/ O language is a proper subset of PASCAL. 在Dual68000机上已实现了PL/O语言的编译程序,并在此基础上实现了PL/O语言的扩充.扩充了的PL/O语言是Pascal语言的一个真子集。
The Application of Object-oriented Technology in Building the VHDL Language Behavior ( Algorithm) Subset Analyser 面向对象技术在构造VHDL语言行为(算法)子集分析器中的应用
The complete OCCL compiler can correctly compile programs conforming to a specific ANSI C language subset. 最后实现的OCCL编译器,对属于我们选择的ANSIC语言集合里的程序代码能够进行正确的编译。
Design of a Specification Language and Development of Its Subset Complier 一个说明语言的设计和其子集编译器的开发
Basing upon a strict mathematical theory, the programming language FFP [ 1] is a purely functional programming language and a subset of the reduction language(?) 4 [ 2,3]. FFP语言是这样的一种纯粹的泛函程序设计语言,它奠基于严格的数学理论基础之上,是归约语言L4的一个子类。
Domain Dependent Language Model Based on Fuzzy Training Subset 基于模糊训练集的领域相关统计语言模型
XML is a type of hypertext markup language. It comes from SGML and is subset of SGML. XML是一种超文本标识语言,它源于SGML,是SGML的一个子集。
In this paper the notion of rational fuzzy language is introduced, and a important theorem is obtained: a fuzzy subset of Σ is recognizable if and only if it's rational. 引入了fuzzy有理语言的概念,得到了∑~+的子集可识别当且仅当有理的。
Description logic is a formal language for representing knowledge and it is a decidable subset of first-order logic. 描述逻辑是一种知识表示的形式化语言,是一阶逻辑的可判定子集。
Precisely, we define a subset of Java virtual machine language ( JVML), present a type system and an operational semantics for the subset, and prove the soundness of the type system with respect to the operational semantics. 具体地,本文定义了Java虚拟机语言(JVML)的一个子集,给出了该子集的类型系统和操作语义,并根据操作语义证明了该类型系统的可靠性。